About the Blog

     I write about my daily events, things of interest to me and my friends, and I recommend music and movies that I generally like.  I do not review current events most of the time and I do not review movies and music.  Instead, I just like to talk about aspects of the movie or characters.  I tend to not care if a movie is bad or good as long as I can discuss it on my page I will be content. 

     I also have a weekly blog post about working out called "Workout Wednesdays".  Each wednesday I will post something related to working out.  This could be a new workout split or a dietary change I have made.  I can talk about workout supplements as well.  I will just talk about various topics of working out from all levels and all ranges of technicality

     I am always looking for suggestions and I welcome corrections to my page.  I plan on posting at the least 4 times a week which includes the weekly Workout Wednesday postings.  Currently there are no plans to expand to the rest of the week but that could all change later on.